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Dietitian Speakers Make More Money Program

I’ve been a dietitian speaker who makes a living and a dietitian speaker who was going broke. What made the difference? Knowing how to value, price, pitch and negotiate for myself.

There was nowhere to learn these things when I started, so I had to find sources, teach myself, and learn lessons the hard way.

I hired a speaker consultant for an obscene amount of money who told me I was a great speaker already.

I joined a speakers’ bureau to get me more gigs but they only ended up charging me money.

What eventually worked was believing in myself, understanding what event planners look for, and most importantly, knowing how to talk about money.

And now I'm ready to share it with you.


The Dietitian Speakers Make More Money Coaching Program

That's right... after 26 years of learning things the hard way, I’m willing to share all my secrets. But not with everyone. This program isn't for someone who's just starting out or isn't confident on stage. 

This program is for dietitians with expertise and experience speaking who want to make more money.  

Yes, there may be some fine tuning of your speaking, but this is NOT about how to speak. This progam is laser-focused on a single goal: INCREASING YOUR SPEAKING INCOME.

I expect every person in this program to dramatically increase the amount you make as a speaker, and I'm not just going to teach you how to do it. I'm also going to coach you step-by-step while you actually get the gigs.

The first group of speakers are well on their way, and the next group starts January next year.  

Once you're accepted, we'll have an introductory call for me to learn as much as I can about you. I'll start evaluating your website and any marketing that you have. I'll talk you through any pitches and proposals that come your way. In other words,

I'll start crafting your identity as a well-paid RD speaker.

Then there's the workshop, held here in Dallas. You'll meet with me and the other members of the program, and we'll do the detailed work that will transform your speaking business.

You'll learn all the money-making skills and tools I have at my command:

  • How I get top dollar for every talk without sounding greedy.

  • How I turn less-than-stellar evaluations into money.

  • How I ask for money after speaking first for free.

  • How I change “You’re not in our budget” to cold, hard cash.

  • My exact format for big $$$ proposals.

  • What I look for (and add!) in all my speaking contracts.

  • How I make money from talks I give for free.

  • How I make money from a talk that doesn’t exist.

...and how you can do them, too. 

It's not just talk and theory… this is a very hands-on workshop. Bring your laptop because we’ll be spending our time together actually crafting the pieces and parts, role-playing the conversations, and cooking up titles and descriptions. 

We’ll rewrite your bio, your intro, and everything on your website so they do the selling for you.

We'll be updating (i.e. trashing) your current pricing model and creating your more appropriate and lucrative fee schedule for on-site, online and private training and events. 

We'll talk through situations you find stressful, like negotiating contracts, and practice asking for money until it's no big deal

We'll brainstorm how to get more speaking gigs, other products you can sell, and how to host your own event if you choose.

You’ll leave the workshop with ready-to-send pitch letters, done-for-you templates, checklists and forms - an entire toolkit of proposals, contracts, scripts and plans, ready to use the day you get home. 


  • How to get hired again and again… without even pitching.

  • What to give out instead of business cards.

  • The single most powerful tool for pitching yourself.

  • When it’s worth it to speak for less… and when it’s definitely not.

  • How to respond to "You're not in our budget." 

...and much, MUCH more.

Then after the workshop, we'll open our Slack channel where you can share your successes, dilemmas and opportunities to speak. We’ll have monthly group meetings that are optional to attend, and of course you’ll still have access to me one-on-one as you implement the powerful tools and skills you got at the workshop.

I'll be there to cheer you on with the advice you need and the guidance you want. I'll be the extra pair of eyes to look over your proposals and contracts from the day you sign up all the way to the end of the year. I’ll be with you every step of the way as your personal speaker coach. 

It's the reason there are only 8 spots in the program - because I know this is a big commitment for me. 

It's why there's an application process - so I can be absolutely sure I have what you need - and a deposit - so you can be sure I know you're serious.

Here's the link to the application: 
Speaker Program Application 

After you apply and submit your deposit, I'll contact you to set up an interview. We'll decide together if you're a good fit for the program. (Your $500 deposit is fully refundable if not.)

Am I worried that making more high-dollar dietitian speakers will take away my business? Not even a little. We’re not in competition, we lift each other up. Every dietitian speaker has something unique, and I want every gig to be a good fit. 

So I’m actually excited to have 8 dietitian speakers to confidently recommend. Being part of this group means you’ll be one of those 8. And you’ll have 7 other speakers referring perfect fits to you.  

This program has been in the works since 2019, but had to go on hold because of the pandemic. I'm incredibly excited it's finally happening, because dietitian speaking dreams do come true. I made mine a reality, and I'm excited to help you do the same.

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For more information, please call 214-503-7100 or email [email protected].