Understanding Nutrition | Jessica Setnick | Testimonials

Eating Disorders Boot Camp helps so many dietitians help so many more people.
Thank you SO much for the fabulous information, advice, and resources you provided in Eating Disorders Boot Camp. Amazing!
I love that Jessica has such a practical, optimistic view. I feel so uplifted after supervision. It just feels good. Thanks for all the help, support and ideas today. I appreciate your expertise, authenticity and all the other things that make you, you! I'm so thankful you are you!! You've helped me enormously and I seriously could NOT do what I do without you.
Supervision has helped me trust my clinical judgement MUCH more.
As much as I love speaking, I haven't made it a priority goal in my business (up until now!) because I didn't really know how to monetize speaking in a way that made sense to my business. As always, Jessica breaks down complicated topics into realistic solutions and this book taught me exactly how to create my own Unique Speaking Platform. At the beginning of this book, my heart was pulled in many different directions when it came to pitching myself. I wanted to do it all! After going through the exercises in the book, I now have a clear plan of what's in front of me: a templated pitch for in-person speaking events and podcast interviews, an outline of possible speaking presentations that make sense for my business, and MUCH more confidence that I can make speaking part of my professional business plan. I was able to let go of so many things that just are not needed in my business and feel energized to focus on the pitches that matter. Jessica always has a way to add in her own personal touch to anything that she does to make you feel as if you can do it too. She adds in her experiences with speaking from setting up presentations, deciding fees, organizing a presentation, and also potential disasters that could happen the day of the event! This book is truly an inspiration and step-by-step guide for anyone wanting to add speaking to their professional career.
You've really help me stop personalizing things about clients and other professionals.
I've loved utilizing new ideas, thoughts and resources from Eating Disorders Boot Camp.
Picked up your book to get a quick idea before bed. Well that was 40 minutes ago and I just kept reading another page or two.
That was AMAZING! You seriously rock! Thank you so much for a fabulous presentation, Jessica! We had a record number sign up. You are an amazing public speaker and I have received great feedback! Your practical tips and the real life experiences shared in your presentation were simply wonderful. I really appreciate how you recommended to “advocate for yourself “… I think that is something we all need to hear a little bit more often :). Thank you so much for your expertise. I would definitely recommend Jessica Setnick as a speaker to all age groups, she brings a level of vulnerability and fun that draws in the audience into her own story and passion.
Jessica was the most popular speaker this year. Everyone enjoyed what she taught. I know I did.
Jessica not only has a talent to figure out the niches dieticians need info about, her writing is out of control fantastic. The conversational tone of this book is filled with compassion, humor, and the kind of support dietitians are so hungry for.
I feel lucky that I get to learn from Jessica and look forward to each session. I use the skills/knowledge I've learned just about every day. Using the right metaphor or activity at the right time has been so helpful with clients.
I feel like our supervision sessions are mini bootcamps!
I actually kinda enjoyed doing the presentation. Last summer I was terrified. After your USP makeover and coaching I decided to send a proposal to NASW for their conference in October. I won't hear until May....and who knows with the pandemic how it will all play out, but just me submitting a proposal was a huge step for me. I give you so much credit for helping me gain some confidence
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a wonderful support, an inspiration and an ally throughout this process.
Your wisdom, energy, insight, compassion and humor were things I looked forward to. You created a safe & brave space to voice concerns and be open and honest about challenges. I could always sense a revitalized energetic shift after speaking with you.
Beyond grateful and lucky to be supervised by Jessica. Her schedule is flexible and she takes the time to listen and provide guidance. It never feels rushed which is so nice. I'm more confident in my work and it's great knowing I have Jessica's support.
I'm always so proud to tell people you're my supervisor. I'm proud to be trained by the very best!
I can't thank you enough for all your help and guidance. It's been a great journey and I'm so excited to continue in the field.
Jessica has the gift of teaching. EXCELLENT! Engaging, relatable and funny, but oh so helpful.
It is a worthwhile investment that will keep on giving. You'll have recordings, tools, handouts, and resources that you will use again and again. In my practice, I have greatly benefited from the visual aids and graphic models that Jessica so generously shares which help our clients conceptualize recovery. These have really helped generate “light bulb” moments where clients “get it”. Everyone can benefit - new and seasoned clinicians. I highly recommend it!
Jessica was absolutely amazing! She gave such an informative and engaging workshop and provided the girls in our chapter with her insight, advice and tips!
I totally thought of [A Dietitian's Guide to Professional Speaking] when I was in the middle of negotiating a speaking arrangement. I basically said in my head I really want to do this but it's not my ideal audience so what's the number that makes it worth it for me to spend 3 hours of my time there.... and I got it!! yay!!! So thank you so much, you and your book just made a huge difference in my business :) YOU ARE AMAZING :)
I'm unbelievable grateful for your supervision. You're wise, calming just when you need to be, and such a great EDRD.
As a new dietitian, supervision gave me info to use in the majority of client interactions, and I don't even work in eating disorders specifically.
Thank you for all of the wisdom and knowledge you incorporated into this e-book!  The question and answer format is so easy to read and I can hear your voice in each answer. I provide supervision to a number of dietitians and your book is now printed in a 3-ring binder and will be a tremendous help to me in not only in seeing clients, but in guiding other ED RDs too! Looking forward to Volume 2!
Your overall awesomeness and passion continuously show me what a dietitian can be.  Thank you for always being a support!! Your guidance has gotten me through some difficult times and difficult cases. This process took me on a rollercoaster and you kept me moving and encouraged the whole time.
You always give the best advice/feedback. AMAZING
I got home last night and found the package with your new book in it. It's wonderful. I skipped around to the parts that I needed most, and found that it's a tremendous help to me. I don't speak very often—it's been several years since my last talk, and I have two coming up in the next two months. You answered some important questions I've had in my preparation, and I'm so grateful.
My favorite part was how you present the information and your passion behind what you do. Everyone was blown away by your knowledge and insight. You're so personable and authentic that it truly allowed us to feel vulnerable and open. I will frequently reference the handouts and tools. Thanks again so much for the training! It was SUPER valuable with a TON of practical solutions. It's always the most valuable continuing ed I get! Jessica did an amazing job of being concise, easy to understand and impactful – and I don't think I've ever laughed as much during a presentation!
Jessica makes it look so easy. Best presenter ever.
Words can't even express how lucky I feel to work with you. Our work has helped me grow so much and honestly I have way less work-related sleepless nights now and owe so much of that to you. Thank you a million.
Supervision with Jessica has without question influenced the quality of my work in addition to how to operate my practice. Her consultation on complex cases has continually increased my confidence, too.
Supervision with Jessica is enjoyable, supportive, creative and very warm. She creates an environment where you feel willing to share your toughest cases and your uncertainties and helps you feel better.
You're my superhero.  I can't tell you how much you've given me. I owe my confidence working in this field to you. You've built me up and helped me to recognize that saying, “I don't know” is an appropriate response! I've loved having you as my mentor. Thanks for always reminding me that being vulnerable connects people. You're stuck with me for life!
I was so excited to see that you would be presenting on speaking - it's honestly the main reason why I went to the conference. You got be ready to get back into the speaking world. I actually just submitted a proposal. I feel like it's time to break through the BS and reclaim my speaking power!
The Pocket Guide is worth its weight in gold!
Supervision with Jessica was extremely valuable. Being able to discuss specifics and how recommendations can be both consistent and nuanced was great for dialogue and learning. Jessica is extremely knowledgeable and offers a multitude of learning opportunities, from helpful language shifts to larger picture treatment recommendations. The quality of information provided was impeccable.
I saw the patient we talked about yesterday and it went really well! Just wanted to say thanks again. I used your "I didn't love how last appointment went, let's do it alone for the first half and with your parents second half" and she responded really well.
I've listened to Boot Camp on the way to work many times and refer to the resources OFTEN!! Your support and insight into what are profession needs is awesome and much needed! I love your authenticity
I have listened to Boot Camp a dozen times on repeat. Every time I learn something new. Thank you so much for the work you have done, the vision you hold and the inspriation you pass on every day (maybe without knowing it).
An amazing public speaker. A great speaker. One in a million.
The patient we texted about ended up getting in to the ED MD over the weekend and was hospitalized. I'm so glad that she's safe and you helped me listen to my gut despite my fears.
Yeah!! You continue to pave the way for all of us with your authentic truth and wisdom!
Your practical tips and the real life experiences shared in your presentation were simply wonderful.
I've gained a lot of perspective, knowledge and confidence during our supervision time together, thank you!
Thank you for encouraging me and all your help – I don't think it would have been possible without you.
So many professionals will benefit from this book!
I feel like I hand you a gnarly mess and you send back a neat package.
I've learned more about boundaries from you than anyone else in my life.
I learned SO much from Eating Disorders Boot Camp and Jessica's sense of humor made it even better. Eating Disorders Boot Camp was so productive - I learned so much and am ready for more! Jessica is so entertaining, informative and knowledgeable. I never even looked at the clock! Jessica is such a leader in our field. Her insight along with all the resources are priceless!
I appreciate your accessibility and willingness to support me. Tremendous!
I am so thankful for your guidance. My patients will surely benefit from your wisdom!
Jessica is an excellent public speaker, even in the toughest of crowds.
Bless you smart lady for sharing your brilliance with us all.
I wouldn't be where I am today without the Eating Disorder Clinical Pocket Guide and Jessica as a supervisor.
You are the best! You just saved us HOURS of work that we didn't need to do!
This book is packed with so much useful information that will save RDNs countless time and headaches. And I loved reading it! I almost missed my stop on the train.
Not only did supervision with you help me define my approach, your overall awesomeness and passion continuously show me what a dietitian can be. Thank you Jessica!
As soon as I saw the announcement of “A Dietitian's Guide to Professional Speaking” I ordered a copy! Even though I have been speaking professionally for a number of years, I consider Jessica THE expert and jumped at the opportunity to learn from her. Her book is a fantastic resource and I found out there was so much more I could do to enhance my USP and market more effectively. I'd highly recommend this as a must-read for any dietitian wanting to get started speaking professionally or improve upon what they're already doing!
Your expertise and resources have continued to be such valuable parts to my professional growth. Eating Disorders Boot Camp started it all! Eating Disorders Boot Camp stands out because you share your knowledge in a way that inspires and builds other dietitians up.  I've listened [to Eating Disorders Boot Camp] on the way to work many times & refer to the resources OFTEN! I appreciate all the knowledge and wisdom you shared in this workshop.  Your insights and presentation skills in this course are such a gift. Eating Disorders Boot Camp is even more amazing than everyone says! Both Boot Camps were such inspiring, enlightening experiences for me
Your expertise is inspiring and your presence is a joy!
The MD sent the ER Charge Nurse my recommendations for acute admission with medical justification and refeeding protocol. I am so pleased to have better patient care. Thank you for letting me text my freakout. I am so thankful for you.
I find myself hearing your voice in my head often. It's being put to good use. You really provided me with the training and ability to think through difficult situations.
What a fantastic- very useful book- Great job- presented in a great format which made it very enjoyable to read.
There have been soooo many times I have felt inadequate as an ED RDN. But today I felt soooo adequate. Had an exchange with a patient that just completely reinforced our supervision from yesterday!
I'm very grateful for the information you've shared. Eating Disorders Boot Camp is such a valuable resource for RDs.
I loved the comparison between the missed appointment and the unworn shoes. It's like you just flicked a light on. No longer will I feel bad about charging people for missed appointments. It's so clear now. Thank you!
My client said in session "I just feel like I don't deserve to eat..." and I was thinking YES I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE READY FOR THIS COMMENT IN MY LIFE! I pulled out all the ACT, opposite action, and "also" statements. What ironic timing. Such a helpful session today thank you again!
Eating Disorders Boot Camp is amazing. So helpful. I listen to it over and over again.  You've made a huge difference for so many, including me. Thank you for being an important part of my growth.
I love the book! I've got written notes and pages flagged throughout. (On page 74, I wrote 'this is gold!'). At first I thought this is valuable for any profession. But then reading it, I see how specific (and important) it is to dietitians because you know our profession. It is a must-have for all dietitians.
Not only is the material itself great, but the whole book is infused with a warm, non-judgemental and no-nonsense energy which I absolutely loved and made it so wonderful to read.
You absolutely knocked it out of the ballpark and the evaluations reflect that
You've given me priceless support, encouragement, savvy business guidance and precious friendship
I'm quite enjoying the book… I was howling in outrage on your behalf when reading about your payment snafus!
I keep coming back because Jessica just overflows with authenticity.
Your guidance is always so grounding. Our connection is invaluable to me
I always appreciate our calls, but especially so today - I really needed some support and guidance. I have a lot more clarity around how to create a schedule I can manage and confidence in maintaining boundaries. I'm ending my day feeling far less anxiety than I started it with. So, thank you.
Thanks so much for your time on Friday. I felt more relaxed and confident going in to the session and I'm sure that helped with the overall atmosphere in the room. Thank you again!
I love the Eating Disorder Boot Camp handouts!!!
Listening to Eating Disorders Boot Camp has helped me to be a better dietitian. I really appreciate Jessica's skill! I think of Jessica and Eating Disorders Boot Camp so often because she's given me SO many tools that I use every day!! Eating Disorders Boot Camp has planted so many seeds. Jessica is the Johnny Appleseed of eating disorder dietitians.  I LOVED Eating Disorders Boot Camp! It opened up my eyes to moving toward this work in a HUGE way!
Thanks for all the coaching and helping me connect the dots.
That is the best answer I've ever heard to that question
You trained at least one and probably both of the dietitians who helped me get well, and it's amazing to be living my life and in school following in their footsteps. Whatever the issue, Jessica can help. She's such an idea person.
Thank you for being there when I panicked. I listened to you and you made me smile, laugh, and feel like the RD I know I am. I'm so grateful.
I'm working my way through the ED Bootcamp and have absolutely been loving it. I've already been able to apply some of what I've been learning from you in my patient care!
Learning so much from the first 2 sessions! Still lacking confidence in my abilities with this population but I'm pushing past my fear and moving forward. Thanks for you help!
I love how you keep your finger on the pulse and keep putting great work out for us RDs to use. Love it! And love the “real you” in how it's written and flows. The Dietician Speaking Guide is such an amazing resource. One of the many things Jessica has done for our field is elevated the role of the RDN. Yes to speaking AND getting paid!!
I just wanted to say how AMAZING your Sleepless Dietitian's Guide is!! I just read all of the money-related Q and A and you blew my mind and gave me so much freedom! Thank you so much for helping us all with our mindsets! So excited to read volume 2!
That means you'll lead some fresh features and from access to additional channels where you can win visibility, without having to designate sense of some elaborate, handbook migration process. https://googlec5.com
OMG, I loved your book. I found it so very helpful as you brought up every single aspect that someone only with your depth and breadth of experience could possibly have encountered! I love the PS's they are great as it shows you are not only the expert but have human experiences and how you handled them (with grace and dignity). Finally, your personality shines through it all. I just finished this talk and I feel so grateful and exhilarated because I can honestly say it ROCKED. Now I feel like a speaker. Up until now I thought of myself as someone who can speak if pushed to do, so but at this moment - I feel like a speaker. A genuine “dietitian speaker.” I can't thank you enough for the book.
I spoke in front of 65 people this week, and I was much calmer. Anxiety was less. Thank you for your words of wisdom!
Search no more! The Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide offers the solution to your quest for information for your patients with eating disorders.
Jessica's advice is always practical, on-target, and thought-provoking. Supervision sessions not only help me with the specific issue I bring up, they enable me to make better decisions and provide improved services in general.
Can't wait to hear Jessica speak! Always love to hear what she brings. – Community Behavioral Health Dietitian Jessica is amazing. A true meeting of talent & energy.
Not many people can teach and make me laugh at the same time.  I love Jessica!! Her ideas are amazing and I'm totally here for all of them.  Jessica is deep, hilarious, soulful, and I want to know WTF she's talking about next, because I WILL BE THERE! The only thing that could make this training better is for it to be three days long and in Hawaii.
I could sleep last night because of you! Thanks for fitting me in.
Jessica's amazing in the way she relates to a wide range of people on campus, from students to staff. Her energy, passion and knowledge creates a perfect package
Always enjoyable! Wealth of knowledge, ability to create metaphors is very helpful. Information can be applied now and with future clients.
I feel so much more confident in my work and have so many new tools to use with my athletes. I can't wait to recommend Eating Disorders Boot Camp to others!
You are amazing. What a gift you gave the students
Talking with you always makes me feel calm, grounded and reaffirmed
The only way this could be better is if it were three days long and in Maui! Loved it. Truly helpful.Engaging and warm.Absolutely wonderful! I have attended 2 of Jessica Setnick's Boot Camps over the years and they were worth every penny. I highly recommend!
I use the knowledge I gained from Eating Disorders Boot Camp regularly and am so appreciative of all I learned.
As always, you put the complexity of the struggle into practical and relatable words.
Just had THE best session with my client using the Competent Adult approach. It was really incredible. THANK YOU!
I appreciate that I can be human with you!
Thank you so much for your wonderful resources. I purchased your pocket guide as an intern and have used it tirelessly!